
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Is Your Child a Blueloon?

Help!  I Think My Child Might Be Depressed!
Although clinical depression is often thought of as an adult disease, it can affect children as well.  Unfortunately, children may not have the maturity to understand what is happening to them, or they may feel powerless to change their situation, so they don’t speak up about what they are going through. It is up to adults to be on the lookout for signs of trouble, and recognize when a child needs help.
What to Watch For – Potential Warning Signs of Depression in Children:
Sadness, hopelessness, loss of pleasure or interest, anxiety, turmoil (anger outbursts)
Difficulty organizing thoughts (concentrating), extreme negativity, worthlessness and guilt, helplessness, feelings of isolation, thoughts of suicide
Changes in appetite or weight, sleep disturbances, sluggishness, agitation
Avoidance and withdrawal, clingy and demanding behavior, excessive activity, restlessness, self-harm
What to do:
Don’t minimize your child’s feelings, and reassure him child that depression is not something to be ashamed about –Some people have a hard time recovering from being sad.
Work hard to cultivate trust and communication with your child and be aware of the impact your own responses in life are having on your child.  You are your child’s coping instructor.
Allow your child the right to feel depressed and teach him that asking for help is ok – If he thinks depression is bad or not ok, he may try to hide his feelings from you.
Tell your child the truth and give him time to grieve.  By being honest, you are allowing your child to work through the pain.
Pay attention to the length of your child’s symptoms. If the symptoms linger for an extended period of time, or if you see severe changes in your child’s personality, seek professional help.
Although suicide in children is rare, it does happen.  Take it very seriously if your child says or acts like he wants to die.
If your child is experiencing frequent signs of depression that last for extended periods of time, it is crucial that you seek professional help. Children who are experiencing signs of depression do not automatically need medication.  Many children will respond to therapy alone. If you are uncertain where to seek help, contact your child’s school counselor or your family physician for a referral. 

Julia Cook is a national award winning children’s author and parenting expert. The purpose of her books is to enter the worldview of children and teach them to become life-long problem solvers. Her latest book: Blueloon is a creative story about a sad little balloon who is suffering from depression.  With help from the wise rock, Blueloon learns what he can do to “bounce back” to being the way he used to be – bright, round , and full with a very straight string!  Finally!  A book on depression  that works for Blueloons of all ages!  Available at  (and
Would you like to WIN a copy of Blueloon? Julia will give away TEN (10) copies. Just leave a comment here! If you use the anonymous feature be sure to type your name. Winners will be chosen by on Wednesday, May 9, 2012.

Click here to read My review of Julia's books and Julia Cook's Interview


  1. Sounds cool...I know someone that can use it Dawna

  2. awesome! Thanks for the chance :)

  3. Olivia Edmonds ClarkeMay 4, 2012 at 3:54 PM

    What a great idea! I bet this book would be great for kids, both with and without depression. It helps to have an understanding of what others might be going through and builds empathy. For kids who do have it, it must be so comforting to know that they are not alone in their feelings. I wish this book had been written years ago!

  4. This would be an excellent resource to have in my classroom. Thank you for the opportunity!

  5. This would be a great resource in my special needs class. Thanks for te opportunity :)

  6. Everyone that commented please email me at with your physical address. You have WON a free copy of Blueloon! Place in subject line...Blueloon Winner
